If you suffer from cellulite this post interests you

Who among us hasn't woken up one day and discovered the surprise, be it on their thighs, abdomen, buttocks or chest...?

Cellulite affects the majority of women between 80 and 90% of us, regardless of your weight or race.

It is a problem that many of us suffer and it is usually considered as something unattractive and annoying, we all want to solve this problem, for this you have to start the care from the first phases.

First of all I am going to explain what cellulite is and its causes, then we will move on to the solutions.

Cellulite is usually associated with an accumulation of fat under the skin, but nothing is further from the truth since it would be something exclusive to overweight people and we all know that this is not the case since many thin women suffer from it.

Cellulite appears when fatty tissue invades the fibers that connect the skin with the muscle, these fibers pull downwards, giving rise to the irregular appearance of the skin and holes so typical of skin with cellulite.

This irregular appearance and the appearance of dimples is what bothers us since cellulite is not painful unless it is accompanied by very poor blood circulation.

The causes can be many:

- hormonal

- genetics

- unbalanced diet

-accumulation of toxins

-weight gain

- sedentary lifestyle

- taking some medications.

Once cellulite is established, it is difficult to combat but not impossible, it takes perseverance and important changes in our diet, physical exercise, care with cosmetics...

The best way to combat cellulite is an internal and external treatment.

From inside:

Balanced diet, we have to increase the intake of vegetables, liquids (the best is water), reduce or better cancel the intake of sugary drinks, alcohol, smoking... if you do not know how to do it, contact me and we will prepare a balanced diet .

Another way to help you eliminate or reduce cellulite is to carry out a detox program, I recommend the Herbadetox ampoules, it is a 21-day program that has shown very good results, these drinkable ampoules are taken together with a good diet and the obligation to take minimum 8 glasses of water a day.

From the outside:

- Dry brushing: we have all heard of dry brushing, it is a very good technique to stimulate blood circulation in the area to be treated as well as improve lymphatic drainage. It helps to eliminate dead cells, leaving the skin softer and prepared to receive subsequent treatments. I advise you to do it from the ankles to the groin in circular movements before the shower.

- Anti-cellulite oils or creams: apply after the shower with vigorous massages from below towards the heart always in that direction, choose products with ingredients that improve blood circulation that help improve lymphatic drainage and that have some diuretic effect, my My favorite is Fushi's Really Good Oil anti-cellulite oil.

-Physical exercise: None of the above is useful if you don't move a little more, you don't need to run a marathon, walking 30 minutes a day is more than enough. I advise you to jump about 5 minutes every 3 hours to improve the functioning of the lymphatic system.

I hope I've helped.

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A hug

¿BB cream, CC cream o DD cream?

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