Can protecting yourself from the sun be harmful?

Sun protection is undoubtedly crucial to protect the skin from premature aging, spots, cellular oxidation and skin cancer. However, not all sunscreens are equal in terms of safety and effectiveness.

Sunscreens can be classified into two main categories: chemical filters and physical/mineral filters.

Physical/mineral filters:

Physical filters, such as zinc oxide and titanium dioxide, work by reflecting and scattering the sun's rays. These filters have traditionally been considered safe, as they are not absorbed into the skin and have a low probability of causing allergic reactions or irritation. Furthermore, these filters have not been associated with hormonal or endocrine disrupting effects.

Chemical filters:

Chemical filters work by absorbing UV rays and converting them into harmless energy, usually in the form of heat. Some of the common ingredients in chemical filters include oxybenzone, avobenzone, octinoxate, among others. The safety of chemical filters has been the subject of debate due to suspicions about possible hormonal and endocrine disrupting effects. These ingredients can penetrate the skin and have been detected in biological samples and in the environment.

Oxybenzone (Benzophenone-3) is one of the most studied chemical filters and has raised concerns due to its possible negative effects. Some research has suggested that oxybenzone may have hormonal effects by acting as an endocrine disruptor, meaning it could interfere with the body's natural hormonal balance. Animal studies have shown that oxybenzone can cause changes in hormonal function and harm reproduction. In addition, oxybenzone has been detected in the human body, in urine samples, breast milk, and in the environment, raising additional concerns about its accumulation and possible long-term effects.

According to current regulations, all sunscreens are safe, but the truth is that every year there is an alert for danger, the continued daily use of chemical filters could pose a real risk to health.

But the good news is that we only offer you sun protection with physical filters that are capable of protecting your skin in complete safety and are considered by the FDA to be the safest.

Here I leave you the best sellers in our physical store.

¿BB cream, CC cream o DD cream?

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