Who are we
Hello, I am Souad Charifi, I was born in Morocco, I arrived in Spain specifically to Granada in 1995 to study Pharmacy, and I never left Spain.
When I turned 23, I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, at the same time my brother and my mother were fighting cancer, they were very difficult times, my mother and brother died and followed by my father who, in addition to suffering from cancer, died of Alzheimer's.
This event made me reflect on: Why does our body suffer from imbalances and get sick?
The image of my mother holding the famous golden hairspray that she used, which was so nice, came to mind. I started reading the ingredients, yes, parabens, formaldehyde... and I said to myself, but this is carcinogenic! !.
There I became obsessed with reading the ingredients of cosmetics and all of them (I'm talking about the year 2010) had ingredients that were toxic to us. I left the pharmacy and went to the nearest herbalist, anyway and of course, they were not 100% safe, and the light bulb went on, if I, being a pharmacist, find it difficult to find cosmetics and natural supplements, imagine the people who do not understand ingredients . and I decided to create Biovardi, a place where everything is 100% natural, ecological, free of toxic substances. I myself am in charge of studying the formulas, contacting the brands to ensure their safety and that they are toxic-free.
Who is Biovardi aimed at?